Zoran Srdić Janežič
A sculptor (Academy of Fine Arts, Ljubljana), visual artist and puppeteer who works in the field of contemporary art: performing, sculpturing, drawing, printmaking, book design. Primarily interested in humour, which he uses to point out neuralgic points in our everyday life and global trends, he often applies theoretical concepts of contemporary philosophers in the field of visual art. He sometimes uses traditional sculpturing materials in a non-traditional way (chopping a tree up into pieces and reconstructing a new ‘tree’ from them) or uses unconventional material in a conventional form (a sculpture of the artist’s body with a pig’s head moulded in lard). He employs various means for different purposes: video, animation, nanotechnology and other forms of new media.
As a performer, he is interested in public sculptures and their functions in public space (Javni kipi, 2011); body art (aestheticisation, repulsion and mythicisation of the body; Corpus Indeterminata, 2010) and public interventions (Javna branja, 2011- ongoing).
Employed as a creator of puppets at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, he also leads puppetry workshops and creates all kinds of stage props, mascots, masks etc., intertwining them with his sculpturing and sometimes using them in his performances. He is currently completing his MA on the philosophy of contemporary art at the Faculty of the Humanities at the University of Primorska. His theoretical work consists of more than 50 articles, mostly exhibition reviews (published in Delo, Likovne beside, Mesto žensk, Ampak, Apokalipsa, Dialogi, Radio Študent etc.). His work has been exhibited in 17 solo and 32 group exhibitions in Slovenia, and his stone sculptures can be seen in four public places. He founded the Metamofoze international sculpturing workshop and has participated in various sculpturing festivals in Slovenia and abroad. With fellow visual artists he founded Modri krog / Blue Circle (organising exhibitions from 1999) that is the predecessor of Gulag.

Jana Putrle Srdić
Poet, writer of art film reviews and translator of poetry lives in Ljubljana and works as a visual art producer. Poetically interested in the bizarre changes of the world we live in, she is never willing to give up the small, passing-by and ‘unimportant’. Personal statement is in her opinion radically important and the claim for one’s own intimacy has always been an unpleasant element in our world of collective demands.
She cooperated in different art projects, combining poetry with new media: Rdeča kapica (Little red Riding Hood, 2015); Nakonektana poezija (Connected poetry, 2014-2015); Ej bejba, kaj maš s to poezijo? (Hey baby, what’s with this poetry?, 2009), literary stage performance; Scribbling on Words (poetry animation); Intelectual Whores (2012, street performance); Toilet Whispering (2014, DIWO street intervention). She published three poetry books: Kutine (Quinces, 2003); Lahko se zgodi karkoli (Anything could happen, 2007) and To noč bodo hrošči prilezli iz zemlje (This night the beetles will come out of the ground, 2014) at the same publisher: Centre for Slovenian Literature. Her third book was nominated for Jenko Award. Her writings are regularly included in Slovene literary magazines as well as abroad, her poems were translated into numerous languages and included in 16 Slovenian and world anthologies. The translated poetry books are entitled: Puede pasar cualquier cosa (Buenos Aires, 2011), Este poema lo paga el pez (Madrid, 2015), În noaptea asta gândacii vor ieşi din pământ (Bucharest, 2015), Anything could happen (A Midsummer Night’s Press, 2014). In numerous countries around the world (South America, Canada, USA, GB, Russia, Europe) she appeared on poetry festivals or had a reading tour.
Born in 1975, she has studied Russian language and literature and Librarianship and Information Science (Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana). Besides translating poetry from English, Russian and Serbian (Robert Hass, Sapphire, Ana Ristović, Contemporary Russian Poetry, Contemporary European Gay Poetry, Contemporary European Lesbian Poetry), she workes as a producer for different organizations: Centre for Slovenian literature, Kapelica Gallery, Zavod Gulag, also coleads the last one and coedits a poetry magazine Poiesis. For 3 years she was leading literary conversations in Ljubljana’s night club Daktari.

Gorazd Krnc
As a painter he incorporates popular media images into his metallic paintings: a technique, in which he technically reproduces images on steel plates and then adds layers of colour. The method comes from video editing, where he overlaps two different images, selected according to conceptional basis of his stories. Video itself is a frequent media he uses to analyse visual field and remind us that image or composed visual field is what basically compounds film.
Born in 1973 in Ljubljana, he studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana under Prof. Metka Krašovec, Prof. Janez Bernik and Prof. Gustav Gnamuš. In 2003 he graduated under Prof. Srečo Dragan (video) and Prof. Gustav Gnamuš (painting). In 2004 he received a scholarship of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia for post-graduate study of video at ALUO. 2007 receives MA from video under prof. Srečo Dragan at ALUO.
Included in collections:
- Mouseion Serapeion Archive.
- Digital Video Archive (DIVA), SCCA, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Mestna galerija Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
- Velenje Gallery, Velenje, Slovenia.
- Zavod Gulag, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
He had over 13 solo exhibitions and over 50 group exhibitions. Paintings, video works and interactive installations were exhibited in Austria, Brazil, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Poland, Senegal, Serbia, South Korea, USA and Slovenia. From 2007 he is a self-employed culture worker. Lives and works in Ljubljana.
Photo: Sunčan Stone

Ida Hiršenfelder
Media art critic, curator for media art, and theorist who studied Sinology, and for a time, lived and studied in Beijing. From 2007 till 2013 she was an archivist at SCCA, Centre for Contemporary Arts-Ljubljana constructing DI VA Station a material and on-line digital archive of video art. Archives and their disappearance became one of her interests which resulted in a number of lectures dealing with media archeology, digital life/death and the history of Internet. She loves to work with free and open source softwares. Regularly collaborates with ljudmila – ljubljana digital media lab as an artistic advisor and curator for media art production. Lately, she solders small electronic noise gadgets, driven by the love for machines, electronics, devices and noise/drones as a member of Theremidi Orchestra. She mostly writes texts on media art, contemporary art and feminism at various medias and often conduct round-tables and public discussions; but essentially she remains a radio person – recording sounds and strange conversations at any given chance. She finds it a great privilege to write texts for exhibition catalogues by Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Arts. She was a co-writer of Art-area bi-weekly edition on contemporary art in collaboration with critic and curator Miha Colner at alternative radio station Radio Student, and worked as a critic at Dnevnik Daily. For five seasons she was an editor of monthly feminist show Sektor Ž. It is of extreme importance for her to consider feminist position in all aspects of her work. Her fem alter ego Frau Strapatz performs also in Image Snatchers techno burlesque. The feminist position has also resulted in co-creating ČIPke initiative for women working in the field of technology, science and art, together with media artist Saša Spačal, that is predominantly focused in organising women-only workshops at Rampa Lab (Kersnikova 4). Recently (2014), she became a collaborator of MG+MSUM Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova for Network Museum online aggregator of contemporary art archives.

Aleksandra Saška Gruden
Born in Maribor.
2004 Graduated in sculpture at Academy for Art and Design, Ljubljana
2003 - [now] Assistant in sculpture department at Famul Stuart, school of aplied arts and new media in Ljubljana
2003 – 2005 Member of the editors committee of ASSKALLA, student newspaper for culture
2005 Programme leader of PERFORME, the festilval of performance, contemporary dance and theatre
2006 Status of independent cultural worker
2007 – 2008 Leader of art collony in Savudrija (Croatia)
2007 – 2011 Scenographer / Responsible for visual image of RTV SLO o. e. and regional TV Maribor
2009 – 2012 Programme manager of Cultural Incubator Gallery and International Festival of Computer Arts
2010 – 2013 Programme manager of VIDEO DINNER (a project at Culture Incubator)