FERIT CORPUS ER DEINCEPS RETRO : Awarded sculpture installation contemplates the closing up of the factories in a small industrial town Kranj

Zoran Srdić Janežič combined in his installation the following of his sculptural works: Corpus Indeterminata and Empire strikes back & forward. He used a collage and assemblage to integrate images as well as social and historical contexts. Monolithic plaster figures represent the management of the local industry or those who want to save this industry. The sculptures wear the first aid handbags, filled with coins and marked with the logotypes of local factories. Confronting them stands working class, dressed in shopping bags of the present large commercial chains. Although we feel the hidden nostalgia for the blooming industrial era in Kranj, which was replaced by the large international commercial chains, the author reminds us that we are witnessing the drop in quality, value and abilities of a man, who has surrendered to today’s dictatorship of the capital.
Melita Ažman
Zoran Srdić Janežič je v svoji instalaciji združil dva predhodna kiparska cikla Corpus indeterminata ter Empire srtikes back & forward. Uporabil je tako kolažni kot asemblažni pristop, ki se združuje na ravni podob kot tudi družbenih in zgodovinskih kontekstov. Mavčni monolitni kipi predstavljajo vodenje kranjske industrije ali pa tiste, ki želijo to industrijo rešiti. Kipom je nadel torbice z drobižem za prvo pomoč, na torbice pa je našil logotipe kranjskih tovarn. Nasproti njim je postavil delavski razred, oblečen v nakupovalne vrečke sedanjih velikih trgovinskih verig. Čeprav imamo občutek, da se za instalacijo skriva hrepenenje po cetočem obdobju kranjske industrije, ki so jo izpodrinile velike mednarodne trgovske verige, nas avtor opozarja, da gre bolj ali manj za prikaz padca kvalitete, vrednosti in sposobnosti človeka, ki se je vdal današnjemu stanju, ki ga narekuje kapital.
Melita Ažman, univ. dipl. um. zg.
NAGRADA ZA KVALITETO LIKOVNEGA DELA na 3. mednarodnem festivalu likovnih umetnosti Kranj / AWARD FOR THE QUALITY OF ARTWORK at the 3rd International fine arts festival Kranj
Genre: sculpture installation
Where: at the 3rd International fine arts festival Kranj – ZDSLU 2014 / Galerija Stolpa Šklovec, Tomšičeva 32, Kranj
When: 1 October – 5 November 2014
Who: Zoran Srdić Janežič
Production: Zavod Gulag
Coproduction: Galerija Stolpa Škrlovec, Kranj / 3rd International fine arts festival Kranj – ZDSLU 2014