V zvokih mesta je drama: Emona kliče, javi se Ljubljana / There’s drama in the urban sounds: Emona calling, where are you Ljubljana? : Theremidi Orcestera experimenting with hands-on electronic circuits instruments and the new poetry - with the avantgarde video projection

V zvokih mesta je drama: Emona kliče, javi se Ljubljana / There's drama in the urban sounds: Emona calling, where are you Ljubljana?

V zvokih mesta je drama: Emona kliče, javi se Ljubljana / There’s drama in the urban sounds: Emona calling, where are you Ljubljana?

The performance creates lucid visual landscapes together with atonal sounds that build up a subtle construction and promise plenty of enjoyment for sensitive hearing. Poets read out  their thoughts about the town in which they live and the one from the Roman past, evoked by their vivid imagination. A sound whirl of urban impressions that is produced, played, spoken and projected will be created especially for the occasion. Real and fictitious urban images are imposed among the words: cut, collaged and edited segments. The Theremidi Orchestra uses electronic DIY instruments which produce buzzing, squealing and humming sounds. The performance deconstructs words into sounds that constitute new meanings and create the poetic experiment.


Performans ustvarja lucidne vizualne pokrajine ob atonalnih zvokih, ki sestavljajo subtilno konstrukcijo in nudijo obilico užitka občutljivim ušesom. Pesniki vkomponirano dodajajo svoja razmišljanja o mestu, v katerem živijo in tistem iz preteklosti, ki ga je preko rimskih zgodb mogoče sestaviti z bujno domišljijo. Glasovni vrtinec urbanih podob, ki ga bo v živo ozvočil, povedal in projeciral umetniški hibrid, je sestavljen posebej za to priložnost. Pesniki Mitja Drab, Jana Putrle Srdić, Peter Semolič in Tone Škrjanec bodo vsak v svojih dveh pesmih o sodobni Ljubljani in rimski Emoni, napisanih za to priložnost, sopostavili vzdušje dveh mest, ki sta vendar eno samo. Med besede se bodo vrivale realne in fiktivne slike mesta; rezani, kolažirani in montirani izseki slikarja in video umetnika Gorazda Krnca. Theremidi Orchestra uporablja elektronske ’naredi sam’ (DIY) naprave, s katerimi proizvaja brneče, škripajoče in šumeče glasove. Atonalni performans bo razstavil besede na zvoke, ki bodo sestavili nove pomene in vrnili poeziji eksperiment.


Genre: a sound-poetry-visual performance

Where: Festival Dobimo se pred Škucem, Ljubljana / Layer House, Kranj

When: 26 July 2014 / 25 October 2014 at 8 pm

Sound: Theremidi Orchestra: Simon Bergoč, Tina Dolinšek, Ida Hiršenfelder, Robertina Šebjanič

Poets: Mitja Drab, Jana Putrle Srdić, Peter Semolič, Tone Škrjanec

Visual artist / VJing: Gorazd Krnc

Production & idea: Jana Putrle Srdić, Institute for Arts Gulag

English editing: Murray Bales

Project is supported by Municipality Ljubljana – Emona 2000 and Ministry of culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

Projekt podpirata Mestna občina Ljubljana – Emona 2000 in Ministrstvo za kulturo RS.